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Koobiënnale 2019 - Rossini's Petite messe solennelle

  • Grote Zaal, Philharmonie Lange Bejinestraat 11 2011 HH, Haarlem The Netherlands (kaart)

Koorbiënnale Festivalkoor
Kathedrale Koor St. Bavo

Béni Csillag, conductor

Nikki Treurniet, sopraan
Marine Fribourg, mezzosopraan
Guy Cutting, tenor
Drew Santini, bariton
Leo van Doeselaar, piano
Wyneke Jordans, piano
Geert Bierlings, harmonium

A note from the conductor…

“For the final concert of the 10th Koorbiënnale, I was looking for something colourful. This is such cheerful music, with a lot of swing. It is a very emotional piece, going from dark to light, and from very fast to very calm, and back. A harmonium is an unusual, but lovely instrument, so fitted to a concert hall. Our performance will begin and end with the St Bavo Choir School joining our own Festival Choir. And we have a nice surprise at the very end of the mass.”

Damask Vocal Quartet, special guests during the 2017 Choral Biennale, help coach the Festival Choir, and perform the soloists roles.

30 juni

Koobiënnale 2019 - Quartet Day

15 juli

Damask @ Vierdaagsefeesten